
Sayur lodeh cookpad
Sayur lodeh cookpad

sayur lodeh cookpad

This is one of the first recipes I will try from this amazing book and I chose it because at home we I love trying new ways of cooking vegetables and definitely this one is something new to me. It is an excellent base to serve with lontong cap go meh, lontong sayur medan, nasi sayur, and really pretty much other side dishes and entrees.Our recipe for today is Sayur Lodeh which came from the recipe book called Singapore Cooking by Terry Tan (Author), Christopher Tan (Author), Edmond Ho (Photographer), David Thompson (Foreword). Sayur lodeh is very commonly serve with rice as part of a multi-course meal. I believe if you give this sayur lodeh a chance, you might find yourself liking it. My mom usually doesn’t make this very spicy because we usually pair it with other spicy dishes like rendang sapi Padang, sambal goreng kentang, sambal goreng tempeh, etc. This sayur lodeh taste pretty light despite there is coconut milk. This helps to cut down of prep time because I hate to be grinding just a small amount and I still need to wash the same amount of dishes whether I make large or small batch.

sayur lodeh cookpad

My mom usually grind huge bulk of coriander, turmeric, galangal, and candlenuts into paste and store them in the jars and freeze them for future use. Candlenuts are widely used not only for cooking, but also for hair and skincare in Indonesia. Pretty neutral in taste, but have roughly about the same oil content. The closest nuts you can use to substitute is macadamia.

sayur lodeh cookpad

I have some because my mom brought me some from Indonesia.

sayur lodeh cookpad

Candlenuts are very difficult (or impossible) to find here in Minnesota. All these are very commonly seen in Indonesian culinary. This sayur lodeh calls for spices and herbs such as turmeric (kunyit), galangal (lengkuas), candlenuts (kemiri), and bay leaves (daun salam). You can pretty much put whatever you like in there, but to me having those kinda represent sayur lodeh better 🙂 A few vegetables that I like to put in my sayur lodeh are chayote (labu), cabbage, carrots, green beans, and baby corns. My mom loved to make rice cakes wrapped in banana leaves and this sayur lodeh is one of the must dishes to accompany the lontong (rice cakes). It is a perfect side dish to accompany rice or lontong/ketupat. Sayur Lodeh is a well-known Indonesian dish originated from Java and made of various of vegetables.

Sayur lodeh cookpad